Join us, from 2 pm CET, for this insightful webinar, featuring Annika Nowak from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, moderated by Dr. Marius Geanta, President of the Centre for Innovation in Medicine and leader of Work Package 3 in the ECHoS Project.


The webinar provides a comprehensive presentation on the EU Cancer Mission, exploring its vision, operational framework, and funding strategies. The discussion will address the ambition behind establishing the Cancer Mission and its integration with national cancer strategies within EU member states.


The webinar will also cover the key challenges in coordinating cancer research and innovation across Europe and how the Cancer Mission tackles these issues. Participants will learn about the funding mechanisms for the Cancer Mission and how they are allocated to ensure maximum impact.


Register now and leverage this opportunity to understand and contribute to Europe’s efforts in combating cancer.

The EU Cancer Mission: Vision and funding opportunities - Image
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