European Cancer Stakeholder Community

Welcome to the ECHoS Stakeholder Identification Tool

Connect now with key decision-makers, community influencers, and organisations on cancer across Europe. This platform helps you find partners and resources to improve the lives of people affected by cancer.

Be part of the solution! Connect now with key decision-makers, community influencers, and organisations on cancer across Europe – submit your organisation to the ECHoS stakeholder identification and engagement tool!

Join now Europe’s key stakeholder collaboration platform for the cancer community. Our networking tool acts as an European hub, overcoming geographical barriers to encourage collaboration among stakeholders, to find new partners for activities, and to find new ways to improve the lives of people affected by cancer.

  • Connect with key decision-makers and organisations on cancer, across Europe
  • Support the implementation of the EU Cancer Mission activities
  • Find new partners and resources to improve the EU Cancer Mission objectives
  • Share ideas, collaborate, and learn from each other!

European citizens and organisations in health, research, and beyond, will be voiced and their voices will echo together.

The tool is developed by the EU funded ECHoS project with the aim of creation of a future European Network of National Cancer Mission Hubs (NCMHs). The networking tool is a part of the ECHoS project Work Package 3, Task 3.2.

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Welcome to the ECHoS Stakeholder Identification Tool!
If you need to edit or delete your submission, please contact


Select a country
Type of organisation
Focus of the organisation
Cancer types the organisation is working with
Geographical scope
Transnational projects
Transnational networks and organisations

Be part of the solution! Connect now with key decision-makers, community influencers, and organisations on cancer across Europe – submit your organisation to the ECHoS stakeholder identification and engagement tool!

  • Connect with key decision-makers and organisations on cancer, across Europe
  • Support the implementation of the EU Cancer Mission activities
  • Find new partners and resources to improve the EU Cancer Mission objectives
  • Share ideas, collaborate, and learn from each other!

European citizens and organisations in health, research, and beyond, will be voiced and their voices will echo together.