Our aim is to support the implementation of the Cancer Mission activities in all Member States and Associated Countries (MS/AC) through the establishment and development of Cancer Mission Hubs operating at national, regional, and local levels. These will integrate a future EU Network of NCMHs, in a cohesive manner, aligned with the Cancer Mission and EBCP. It will engage with stakeholders across the entire cancer landscape, from individual citizens to European Institutions, as well as national authorities, regulators, industry, patient organisations, and academia.
ECHoS broad scope seeks to take cancer-policy dialogues beyond research and innovation, and health systems, covering also other relevant areas in cancer control and support, such as employment, education, and socioeconomic aspects. To guarantee alignment and progress in the field of cancer, ECHoS will be guided by impacting subareas of Cancer Mission – namely prevention, early detection and treatment, quality of Life and survivorship – as well as equity, sustainability, and cross-cutting EU priorities such as social engagement and digital health.
ECHoS Project
We aim to create real life impact in cancer care and research.
ECHoS will set the foundations for the creation of a future European Network of National Cancer Mission Hubs (NCMHs) with the ambition to be a strong and cohesive network, aligned with the Cancer Mission and Europe's Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP).
Aligned with the ambition of EU Mission Cancer, the driving force of ECHoS is "To improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better”.

Setting the foundations for a future EU Network of Cancer Mission Hubs
Promote the creation of National Cancer Mission Hubs in MS/AC.
Map hub-like structures, identifying common traits and unique features, strengths and needs, as well as encouraging knowledge exchange. This will lead to conceptual models of NCMHs acting at national, regional, and local levels, including minimal requirements and guidelines for operation.
Establish a network of support to advance Cancer Mission across Europe.
Developing prototype impact models for the Cancer Mission subareas (prevention, early detection and treatment, quality of life and survivorship) to be adapted and implemented by NCMHs. Stimulate the systemic engagement of NCMHs with relevant stakeholder groups, activating bottom-up contributions through expanded stakeholders and citizen engagement activities, and provide tools for effective citizen engagement and participation and to assess NCMH level of maturity regarding citizen engagement.
Create synergies for the implementation of the Cancer Mission with other European initiatives towards a "Cancer in All" approach.
Create a Liaison Committee for high-level representation of the ECHoS project enabling effective policy dialogues and synergies with EU structures. Create opportunities for collaborative research, joint policy dialogues and joint events with EU and national initiatives.
Create the foundations for a European network of NCMHs by developing a business continuity and operations model framework.
Prepare for the sustainability of the future NCMHs Network by formulating recommendations on governance, business models, legal status, and strategic positioning. Additionally, ensure effective communication of Cancer Mission objectives across the cancer ecosystem and society beyond health and research communities.
ECHoS Story
Through Cancer Mission, European Commission appeals Member States and Associated Countries (MS/AC) to combine research, innovation, and policy development, in ways that cannot be achieved through individual and fragmented initiatives.
ECHoS Partners
All consortium partners have key roles in their respective countries: in cancer care, research, as well as research and health policies. These partners include citizens, industry, SMEs, academia, governance, hospitals, and infrastructures. Many are involved in community engagement activities and/or defining cancer-control strategies. Together, they form a strong and structured pool of knowledge and expertise.
Work Packages

The work will be conducted in 6 work packages.
WP 1 - Project Governance and Implementation

Ensuring an efficient coordination and management of the ECHoS project
Led by AICIB, WP1 will be dedicated to all the management procedures for the day-to-day operations of the project. These include the coordination of project activities, support to WPs, preparing for project meetings, and delivery of periodic reports to the EC. This WP will also monitor the implementation NCMHs across participating MS/AC and their activities as a measure of impact of the project.
- Project Coordination and Project Management (AICIB, PT)
- Project Governance and support to Governance structure (AICIB, PT)
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Project Implementation (Tecnalia, ES)
WP 2 - National Cancer Mission Hubs: Design, Creation and Knowledge Exchange

Defining the grounds and promote National Cancer Mission Hubs establishment.
Led by INT, WP2 will be dedicated to the definition of the basis, general design and the operative NCMH structural elements. These are envisaged as new conceptual initiatives that aim to break silos in health care, research, and innovation: creating bridges within and beyond this triangle in the cancer area. Guidelines, best practices, capacity building in knowledge exchange programs and awareness events will serve to promote NCMHs establishment.
- Definition of general design and operative NCMH structural elements (INT, IT)
- Guidelines and best practices for the implementation of NCMHs (NIO-PIB, PL)
- Capacity Building: Knowledge exchange program (Sciensano, BE, and InoMed, RO)
- Support the development of NCMHs awareness events in MS/AC (AICIB, PT)
WP 3 - Multi-stakeholder Identification, Engagement, and Cooperation

Establishing Impact Models, recommendations, and tools for the engagement of stakeholders in cancer actions.
Coordinated by Center for Innovation in Medicine (InoMed, Romania), WP3 will be dedicated to helping NCMHs identify, engage, connect, and enable traditional and non-traditional organized stakeholders to actively and impactfully contribute to the success of the Cancer Mission.
- Establish impact models to support implementation of Mission on Cancer (SIR, SE)
- Identify stakeholders and create an interactive tool for stakeholder interactions at MS/AC, Regional and local level (HUS, FI)
- Engage individual stakeholders and foster cooperation (OCC, NO)
WP 4 - Synergies: bridges to Missions and other European initiatives

Initiating and strengthening synergies between ECHoS (and NCMHs) with other EU bodies, initiatives, and actors.
Led by Council for Science and Technology (MCST, Malta), WP4 will be dedicated to investing in the generation of collaborations with European Projects and organisations in Health, Research and Beyond. WP4 will initiate and strengthen synergies between ECHoS (and NCMHs) with other European bodies, initiatives, and actors to ensure that there is an effective policy dialogue at all levels and to allow an effective connection with such initiatives.
- Creation of a Liaison Committee for high-level representation and Policy dialogues (AICIB, PT)
- Operational level synergies with EU initiatives (EKT, GR and UCSC, IT)
- ‘Cancer in all policies’- synergies beyond Health (MCST, MT)
WP 5 - Future EU network of Cancer Mission Hubs - Design Study

Building an operational blueprint of the future EU structure that will connect NCMHs transnationally.
Coordinated by Sciensano (Belgium), WP5 will be dedicated to developing a sustainable business continuity model to the future network of NCMHs. WP5 will build on the outcomes and outputs of WP2 and its potential adaptations to different national contexts. Adjustments are envisioned according to the needs identified in WP3, WP4, and WP6 in respect to interaction with organized stakeholders, synergies with other European initiatives, and individual citizens, respectively.
- Define scope of the EU network of National Cancer Mission Hubs (Sciensano, BE)
- Business-continuity framework – governance, finance, and business models (NIO-PIB, PL)
- Strategic roadmap for a sustainable European Network of Cancer Mission Hubs (AICIB, PT)
WP 6 - Communication, Dissemination, Citizens' Engagement & Participation

Establishing communication channels that support and enhance the Mission approach.
Led by Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Centre (KCCC) – joint initiative between the Karolinska University Hospital (KHU, Sweden) and the Karolinska Institute (KI, Sweden) – WP6 will be dedicated to bringing the Cancer Mission to those who need it the most: citizens. WP6 will focus on Communication activities across all required levels and, also, targeting non-organized stakeholders – namely citizens, patients and their families, marginalized groups, and the society at large.
- Dissemination and Communication (AICIB, PT)
- Citizens’ Engagement and Participation Activities (GOEG, AT)
- Organisation of Transnational citizens’ engagement events (SIR and KCCC, SE)