ECHoS consortium
Committed to achieving its goals, ECHoS consortium gathers 61 organisations distributed across 30 countries covering the entire cancer ecosystem. Partner organisations in the consortium include Public Health Organisations, Ministries of Science, Ministries of Health, National Funding Agencies, Innovation Centres, Universities, Cancer Centres. Associations, and other organisations from both the public and private sectors.
Fighting Cancer * Together
Fighting Cancer * Together
Fighting Cancer * Together
Fighting Cancer * Together
Fighting Cancer * Together
Fighting Cancer * Together
Fighting Cancer * Together
Fighting Cancer * Together
Fighting Cancer * Together
Fighting Cancer * Together
Participating countries
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Türkiye.
Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation (AICIB)
AICIB mission is to promote, coordinate, and support activities in the areas of clinical and translational research and biomedical innovation, contributing to the optimisation of Portugal’s clinical, scientific, and technological potential. AICIB activities are structured around 3 strategic pillars: i) Foster clinical research and biomedical innovation; ii) Train and create a national clinical research and biomedical innovation network, and iii) Stimulate the internationalisation of clinical research and biomedical innovation.
Team Members

Anabela Isidro
ECHoS Coordinator

Hugo Soares
ECHoS Co-coordinator

Yasmin Fonseca
ECHoS Project Manager

José Salvado
ECHoS Communication Officer

Laura Gomes
ECHoS Financial Officer

All-Island Cancer Research Institute (AICRI)
All-Island Cancer Research Institute (AICRI)
AICRI builds an overarching framework for cancer research across the island of Ireland. Involves 10 academic institutions and many stakeholders. Research programme includes cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship.
Team Members

William Gallagher

Rosemarie Gannon

Alliance Against Cancer (ACC)
Alliance Against Cancer (ACC)
ACC is an Italian oncology research network founded in 2002 by the Ministry of Health. The network includes many comprehensive patient care and research institutes (IRCCS), associations and foundations, and the Italian National Institute of Health, which hosts its offices. The mission of ACC is to bring technological and organisational innovation from basic cancer research to clinical practice, raising and unifying the level of care, treatment, and rehabilitation of cancer patients throughout the country.
Team Members

Lidia Villanova
Scientific Project Manager

Valentina Trapani
Scientific Project Manager

Asociația Centrul Pentru Inovație În Medicină (INOMED)
Asociația Centrul Pentru Inovație În Medicină (INOMED)
INOMED is a European non-profit research organisation with a key focus on co-creating citizen-centric, innovative health policies, as well as engaging all stakeholders through education and communication activities.
Team Members

Marius Geantă
INOMED President and Scientific Lead (Senior expert)

Cosmina Cioroboiu
INOMED co-founder and Senior Public Health expert

Bianca Cucoș
Genomics expert

Adriana Boată
Health Communication expert

Bulgarian Joint Cancer Network (BJCN)
Bulgarian Joint Cancer Network (BJCN)
BJCN is a Bulgarian cancer network fostering collaboration among medical and non- medical societies, traditional and non-traditional Stakholders by aiming to enhance cancer care through synergy, cooperation, and innovation.
Team Members

Ivo Petrov
Main Coordinator

Assia Konsoulova

Dimitar Kalev

Cancer Society of Finland (CSF)
Cancer Society of Finland (CSF)
The Cancer Society of Finland is one of the Finland’s largest patient and public health organisation as well as being an expert organisation nationally. The CSF’s work is influential in society and proficient in its field.
Team Members

Juha Pekka Turunen
General Secretary

Janne Pitkäniemi
Director of Finnish Cancer Registry

Marika Skyttä
Director of Health Department

Kirsi Talala
Senior Specialist, PhD

Cyprus Cancer Research Institute (CCRI)
Cyprus Cancer Research Institute (CCRI)
Cyprus Cancer Research Institute (CCRI) is an independent organisation comprising a coalition of the leading academic, clinical, and diagnostic partners in cancer research; the University of Cyprus (UCY, academic), the Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre (BoCOC, clinical), and the Karaiskakio Foundation (KF, diagnostics). It is a true interdisciplinary network creating a local, regional, and international lighthouse for dedicated basic & translational cancer research.
Team Members

Anastasia Constantinidou
Acting Research Director

Styliani (Stella) Michael
Research Support Officer – LEAR

Martha Trichina
Administrative Officer

Department of Oncology, Vejle, Lillebaelt Hospital, Region of Southern Denmark (SLB)
Department of Oncology, Vejle, Lillebaelt Hospital, Region of Southern Denmark (SLB)
Lillebaelt hospital’s vision and focus: prevention of cancer is one of the hospital’s primary focus areas for the future including both primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention services. As a hospital, we are focused on the fact that prevention is something we create together, across sectors. Therefore, we are working towards becoming a Clinical Center of Excellence in Prevention within the next 3 years, fostering a holistic approach to prevention that ensures addressing of all individual needs. The Clinical Center of Excellence will also be building on the hospital’s concrete experiences from what is already implemented. Denmark’s national cancer patient pathways were developed at Vejle Hospital. Therefore, we are also among the first to consider prevention in conjunction with the systematic national cancer pathways. Furthermore, we are developing algorithms for risk stratification and early detection conducting research at the highest international standard. Additionally, we have an established Competence Center for Late Effects After Cancer that focuses on a holistic approach meaning that everyone has a good life with and after cancer.
All efforts are planned and implemented in collaboration with general practitioners, municipalities, and civil society. Our ambition is that all patients experience an integrated healthcare system where there is always transparency and responsibility for the patient’s next steps. All prevention services are tailored in close dialogue with the patient, taking into account their desires for quality of life, capacity, and supportive networks. While some interventions are digital, others are face-to-face.
Team Members

Torben Frøstrup Hansen
Head of research, Chief consultant, Professor, PhD, DMSc

Brit Sandgren
EU project manager

Direção-Geral da Saúde - Ministério da Saúde (DGS-MS)
Direção-Geral da Saúde - Ministério da Saúde (DGS-MS)
DGS is a central service of the Ministry of Health of Portugal, integrated into the direct administration of the State, endowed with administrative autonomy. The DGS exercises its activity centered on the interests of citizens, in articulation and cooperation with other services and bodies, in particular those dependent on the Ministry of Health.
Team Members

José Dinis
Director for the National Strategy for Oncological Diseases

Isabel Fernandes
Deputy to the Director for the National Strategy for Oncological Diseases

Cristina Portugal
Program Manager

DLR Project Management Agency (DLR-PT)
DLR Project Management Agency (DLR-PT)
DLR Projektträger offers comprehensive, knowledge-based services related to the management of research, education and innovation. It advises on strategies and programs, manages accompanying dialog processes, and plans and takes over the operational implementation of funding programs. The range of topics include education, equal opportunities, health, society, innovation, technology, environment and sustainability as well as European and international cooperation. In health, DLR-PT mainly works for the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) as well as the Ministry of Health (BMG).
Team Members

Hubert Misslisch

Isabel Aller

EKT is a public organisation, under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Governance, with a mission to make scientific knowledge accessible to all, operating as a knowledge hub for stakeholders oriented towards the digital economy and innovation. Having multiple roles, EKT is a) the National Authority of the Hellenic Statistical System for European statistics of Research, Development and Innovation, and b) NCP for Horizon Europe Cluster Health and Cancer Mission. Also, EKT can coordinate R&I on cancer, being a one-stop-shop service provider for SMEs, start-ups, research and innovation teams and organisations. Public and private stakeholders, as well as citizens, will be engaged in collaborative initiatives and policy dialogues on cancer, at national, regional and local level, via the creation of National Cancer Mission Hub.
Team Members

Sofia Xesfingi
Project Manager

Angelos Angelidis
Expert Innovation Consultant

European Cancer Organisation (ECO)
European Cancer Organisation (ECO)
The European Cancer Organisation is the largest multi-professional cancer organisation in Europe. It aims to reduce the burden of cancer, improve outcomes and the quality of care for cancer patients, through multidisciplinarity and multi-professionalism. As the not-for-profit federation of member organisations working in cancer at a European level, the European Cancer Organisation convenes oncology professionals and patients to agree policy, advocate for positive change and speak up for the European cancer community.
Team Members

Richard Price
Head of Policy

Norbert Couespel
Senior Coordinator, Policy Research & EU Projects

Giuseppe Filiti
Communications Officer

Enea Venegoni
Policy Research & EU Projects Officer

Nora Lorenzo i Sunyer
Policy Research & EU Projects Team

Finnish Cancer Center (FICAN)
Finnish Cancer Center (FICAN)
FICAN is a network of regional cancer centres all around Finland on a mission to ensure equal and high-quality cancer care, to improve prevention, diagnostics, and rehabilitation, and to support cancer research.
Team Members

Tomi Mäkelä
Director, Finnish Cancer Center

John Eriksson
Infrastructure Integration

Mirjami Tran Minh
Senior Planning Officer

Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS
Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS
FDG is a non-profit, private foundation, accredited through the National Health Service in 28 centres distributed over 9 Italian regions and since 1991 and as a “Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care” (It. IRCCS) by the Italian Ministry of Health, with the specializations in bio-medicine, biotechnology and clinical experimentation for rehabilitation and reducing disability conditions.
Team Members

Paola Gabaldi
Research Managing Director

Lorenzo Brambilla
Medical Director

Alessandro Viganò
Clinical Researcher

Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (INT)
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (INT)
INT is a public center for treatment and research (IRCCS) and an OECI-certified Comprehensive Cancer Center since 2015 with activities ranging from cancer diagnosis and care to clinical, basic, translational and epidemiological research. INT is the first Italian center in the Ministry’s ranking for healthcare activities and research productivity indicators. In ECHOS INT avails itself of the support of 3 third parties, Fondazione The Bridge, Fondazione Don Gnicchi ONLUS and Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica.
Team Members

Giovanni Apolone
Scientific Director

Annalisa Trama
Coordination team

Luca Roz

Arsela Prelaj

Rosalba Miceli

Fondazione Regionale Per La Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB)
Fondazione Regionale Per La Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB)
Founded in 2011 by Lombardy Region, Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB) represents one of the main strategic platforms for boosting progress, research, development and innovation in hospitals, universities and research centres focused on biomedical research.
Team Members

Paola Bello
EU Funding Manager

Carmen De Francesco
Grants Manager

Giusi Caldieri
Science Office Manager

Fondazione The Bridge (FTB)
Fondazione The Bridge (FTB)
Fondazione The Bridge is an independent non-profit organisation for the protection of the right to health. It acts as a bridge between institutions and scientific, clinical organisations, industry, and patient’s associations.
Team Members

Rosaria Iardino

Chiara Crepaldi

Luisa Brogonzoli

Fundación TECNALIA Research & Innovation
Fundación TECNALIA Research & Innovation
TECNALIA is the largest center of applied research and technological development in Spain, a benchmark in Europe and a member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance. We collaborate with companies and institutions to improve their competitiveness, people’s quality of life and achieve sustainable growth. We do it thanks to people who are passionate about technology and committed to building a better society.
Our Mission: To transform technological research into prosperity.
Our Vision: To be agents of transformation of companies and society for their adaptation to the challenges of a changing future.
We work with an increasingly strategic business relationship model based on trust, collaboration, and a shared technological approach. Some of our data; 115 m€ income, 1472 people in staff, 752 active patents, 20 active startups. In the Health division we work closely with academic and clinical partners. we transfer our knowledge to biomedical sector industry. Our cancer research covers basic and applied research focused in the development of platforms for precision diagnosis and treatments.
We are the first private Spanish organisation in contracting, participation, and leadership in the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme and we are ranked third in European patent applications.
Team Members

Olatz Murua
Coordinator. Main contact person for ECHOS project at Tecnalia, Head European & Cancer Mission Programs, Health division

Carmen Pastor
Head of EU Programmes Health division

Ainhoa Egizabal
Project Manager, Health division

Institut National du Cancer (INC)
Institut National du Cancer (INC)
The INC is an association without lucrative purpose. Its activities cover among others the overall organisation of oncology, the development of cancer care pathways and guidelines, the promotion of the centres of competence.
Team Members

Guy Berchem

Nikolai Goncharenko

Kathy Jaworski
Project Manager

Amélie Gaignaux
Project Manager

Institut National du Cancer (INCa)
Institut National du Cancer (INCa)
The French National Cancer Institute (INCa) is the government expertise agency responsible for coordinating actions to fight cancer. INCa’s ambition is to provide an integrated vision covering all fields of intervention: prevention, screening, care, research and quality of life.
Team Members

Thomas Dubois
Head of the Mission for European and International Affairs

Candice Altmayer
EU Project Lead

Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (UHKT)
Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (UHKT)
The Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (IHBT) is an expanding centre offering state-of-art medicine and top-notch research, as well as a friendly and safe organization for both patients and personnel. The IHBT provides cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment of adult patients with severe disorders of hematopoiesis. The research section in cooperation with clinical and transfusion division focuses mainly on the research of hematological tumors, monitoring of gene and protein expression in onco-hematological diseases, research of low molecular weight metabolites in the treatment, study of tumor markers, and the development of new therapeutic protocols including cellular immunotherapy. In addition, the IHBT has a large program devoted to the development, GMP manufacturing and clinical testing of original Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) based on gene-engineered CAR-T cells. The Institute is also significantly involved in educational and training activities, in cooperation with 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University contributes distinctly to the scientific postgraduate education.
Team Members

Monika Beličková
Senior Scientist

Jan Frič
Senior Scientist

Kateřina Machová Poláková
Senior Scientist

Jana Szabová
Junior postdoc

Lucie Janstová
Ph.D. student

Viktor Kratochvíl
Coordinator of grant projects

Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Region Stockholm (KUH, RS)
Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Region Stockholm (KUH, RS)
Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Centre brings together cutting-edge expertise in basic research, clinical research, and highly specialized cancer care. The centre is a joint initiative within Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet. Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Centre is the first Comprehensive Cancer Centre in Sweden to be accredited according to the Organization of European Cancer Institutes (OECI), a non-governmental, non-profit legal entity established in 1979 to promote greater collaboration between European cancer centre and institutes. The accreditation is a confirmation that the organisations meet the high-quality requirements that the OECI places on care, research, and education in the field of cancer. Karolinska University Hospital is one of Europe’s leading university hospitals with a special responsibility for highly specialized care. Karolinska Institutet is one of Europe’s highest-ranked medical universities. Together, we constitute a medical centre that conducts world-leading healthcare, research, and education. We have a significant role in the development of health care where new research findings and new treatment methods are continuously implemented to benefit the patients.
Team Members

Eva Jolly
Task manager

Patrik Rossi

Katarina Risbecker
Project financial/legal signatory

Dina Dabaghie

Johanna Mayer

Klaipėdos universitetas (KU)
Klaipėdos universitetas (KU)
Klaipėda University (KU) is one of the leaders in the fields of interdisciplinary research and studies both in the national level and Baltic Sea Region. Integrated in a unique way health sciences are consistently and systematically developed in one of the KU academic units – The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Integrated interdisciplinary research is conducted to strengthen public health, social well-being and a sustainable community. Here is implemented a high-level fundamental and applied studies and (social) development activities through an integrated teaching/learning process. The research carried out by the FHS meets one of the priorities of the EU’s strategic programme HORIZON 2020 “Health, Democratic Change and Prosperity”, as well as one of the objectives of the EU Baltic Sea Strategy Action Plan “Sustainable and Healthy Society”. Scientists at the FHS are leaders in the field of research result implementation in practice, influencing changes in health and social science research, linking knowledge in these fields, and proposing innovative solutions for integrated social well-being. The Health Research and Innovation Science Center is Unit of Faculty of Health Sciences in Klaipėda University, which was established by the implementation of the University’s strategy to strengthen the interdisciplinary health research. The Center provides a high-level fundamental and applied research and experimental development work, integrated education and learning process.
Team Members

Alona Rauckiene-Michaelsson

Cesar Agostinis-Sobrinho

Narimantas Samalavičius
Team Member

Klinički Bolnički Centar Sestre milosrdnice (KBC SM)
Klinički Bolnički Centar Sestre milosrdnice (KBC SM)
KBC SM was founded in 1846, and it is one of the oldest and largest medical institutions in the Republic of Croatia. It provides expertise in health care, diagnostics, treatment, consulting services, scientific research, and education. It has 28 reference centres of the Ministry of Health.
Team Members

Ana Fröbe
Principal Hub coordinator for Croatia

Željka Rakvin

Davor Vagić
Legal Signatory (LSIGN)

Mia Primorac
Financial Signatory (FSIGN)

Ines Potočnjak
Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR)

Latvijas Universitāte (LU)
Latvijas Universitāte (LU)
LU has a broad experience in implementation and management of nationally, EU level and internationally funded research projects and well-developed and organized administrative structure for project management and implementation.
The Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia (LU ICPM) is among the leading research institutes of Latvia to bridge basic medical research to the clinics. The main areas of research include gastrointestinal cancer prevention and screening, infectious diseases, the role of microbiome in health and disease, new technologies and biomarkers for detection, screening, monitoring of various diseases, including cancer and infectious diseases.
The Institute has a long-standing expertise in running biobank, including enrolment of cancer patients, and a relevant group of control. It is the leading chain in clinical medicine within the national node of the BBMRI infrastructure.
LU ICPM has developed broad international collaboration in Europe, Asia, United States and Latin America, East Europe and central Asia. LU ICPM has initiated and currently supporting IARC in realization of the project “Improving cancer care coordination and screening in Latvia and Slovakia”. LU ICPM has developed strategic partnerships with multiple clinical institutions and facilities, and is running study subject facilities in these institutions.
Team Members

Ilmārs Stonāns
Deputy Director at Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine

Dina Bēma
Researcher at ICPM

Lietuvos mokslo taryba (LMT)
Lietuvos mokslo taryba (LMT)
Research Council of Lithuania (RCL) is a science and studies policy-implementing institution, which performs an expert and advisory function to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and to the Government in matters of studies and experimental development. RCL’s mission – is to actively participate in the formulation of research, experimental development, and innovation policy and to strive to make Lithuania’s system of research, experimental development, and innovation effective and in line with the expectations of Lithuanian society and global challenges, by applying organisational and financial instruments for competitive funding of scientific research. The overarching goal of the RCL is to increase the value, efficiency, and impact of science. This is achieved by developing activities along the following main axes: to make science funding more efficient, develop Lithuania’s scientific community, implementing the principles of open science, as part of Lithuania’s science policy.
Team Members

Laura Pėkienė
Project manager

Sigita Auvertin

Lietuvos Sveikatos Mokslu Universitetas (LSMU)
Lietuvos Sveikatos Mokslu Universitetas (LSMU)
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) is the largest institution of higher education for biomedical sciences in Baltic region and Lithuania also one of the largest universities in Europe specializing in health sciences. With over 30 years of international experience LSMU is successfully combining integrity of teaching, clinical practice and research, competence based education together with multicultural dimension. LSMU’s mission is to create, accumulate, systematize, and disseminate scientific knowledge, the latest achievements in research and education, to teach and educate creative, honest, enterprising, educated, healthy, independent, and entrepreneurial personalities, to foster democracy and prosperity, and to nurture a healthy and well-educated society. The exclusive role of LSMU in this educational process is the pursuit of a healthy society, guaranteeing the social and economic progress of the country, the civilisational identity of Lithuania, the creation, fostering and development of cultural traditions of the country and the world. The health and welfare of animals is an integral part of this aspiration.
LSMU studies take place in 81 Departments of Research and Science: 4 Research Institutes, 20 Departments, 48 Clinics, 9 Faculty Institutes. The University community consists of nearly 3,000 employees. LSMU has 2 affiliated medical hospitals: Hospital of LSMU Kauno klinikos (the biggest health facility in Lithuania) and the LSMU Kaunas Hospital. Medical teaching and research are mainly based on cooperation with affiliated medical clinics.
The field of Oncology is one of the most developing directions of the LSMU. The Institute of Oncology conducts scientific research and experimental development activities of strategic importance to the University, delivers courses under the respective study programmes, and trains prospective researchers.
Team Members

Elona Juozaityte
Radiation Oncologist

Rita Kupcinskaite – Noreikiene
Medical Oncologist

Agne Dorelaitiene

Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto ligoninė Kauno klinikos (Kauno Klinikos)
Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto ligoninė Kauno klinikos (Kauno Klinikos)
The Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos is the largest hospital in Lithuania. Established in 1940, Kauno klinikos has grown into one of the most prominent and modern hospitals in the country. The hospital of Kauno klinikos is dedicated to providing the highest quality healthcare to patients from all over the country and abroad. There are many medical “first” and “only” performed in Kauno klinikos which shows a high level of professionalism, qualification, modern medical technologies, and developed infrastructure implemented in the hospital. Kauno klinikos has 39 departments devoted to all medical and surgical specialties. Here the most serious, rare, and undiagnosed diseases are successfully diagnosed and treated, and extremely complex operations are performed.
Team Members

Rasa Jančiauskienė
Medical oncologist

Lina Pužauskienė
Medical oncologist

Agnė Kairaitytė
Project coordinator

Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)
Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)
The LIH is a public research organisation, which defines cancer as a priority and covers research from fundamental, mechanistic research to translational patient-based preclinical research to clinical studies and trials.
Team Members

Tatiana Michel
Program Manager

Amélie Gaignaux
Project Manager

Ministry for Health and Active Ageing (MHA)
Ministry for Health and Active Ageing (MHA)
The Ministry is one of the Ministries of the Government of Malta and it is responsible for the national health system in Malta.
Team Members

Miriam Dalmas
Main Coordinator

Nadácia Výskum Rakoviny (NVR)
Nadácia Výskum Rakoviny (NVR)
Nadácia Výskum Rakoviny is a non-profit organisation established with the aim of promoting transdisciplinary research collaborations to enhance the quality of life and enable repeated treatment options for cancer patients.
Team Members

Erika Chudějová
Legal representative of NVR, organisation of public events at national level

Ján Sedlák
NVR board member, information sharing with consortium members, stakeholder involvement

Narodny Onkologicky Ustav, Dep. Narodny Onkologicky Institut (NOU)
Narodny Onkologicky Ustav, Dep. Narodny Onkologicky Institut (NOU)
NOU is a specialized hospital focusing on providing complex oncological healthcare in Slovakia. NOI serves as a clinical research, academic and educational platform, contributing to implementation of the National Oncology Program.
Team Members

Sona Ciernikova
Main contact person and coordinator of all activities

Maria Reckova
Deputy coordinator of all activities

Pavel Stukovsky
Project manager

Kristina Bubelinyova
Administrative personnel

Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (NCBR)
Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (NCBR)
National Contact Point for Horizon Europe (NCP Department within NCBR) supports the participation of Polish research organisations, enterprizes ans other institutions in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe.
Team Members

Ewa Szkiladz
Health and Mission NCP

Dagmara Robakowska-Hyzorek
Health NCP

Narodowy Instytut Onkologii im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (NIO-PIB)
Narodowy Instytut Onkologii im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (NIO-PIB)
Maria Sklodowska-Curie Institute — Oncology Centre (NIO-PIB) is the biggest comprehensive cancer centre in Poland which provides 741 patient beds and employs 437 doctors. The best oncological staff available in Poland ensures that effective cancer treatment is delivered using highly specialized procedures and therapies.
The Center serves as a modern comprehensive oncological institute, conducting basic research, clinical trials, postgraduate and highly specialized training and provides the most up-to-date diagnostic and therapeutic facilities.
NIO-PIB is responsible for implementing the tasks of the National Cancer Strategy (NCS). The principal intention of the NCS is to reduce mortality in the most frequent cancers, where population interventions could bring about effects in a relatively short (10-year) time period. The activities are to cover five areas that are key to achieving synergies and improving epidemiological indicators in Poland.
Team Members

Iwona Ługowska
Head, Department of Early Phase Clinical Trials Unit, and Centre for Excellence for Precision Oncology

Piotr Rutkowski
Head of the Department of Soft Tissue/Bone Sarcoma and Melanoma

Dorota Dudek-Godau
Senior Project Specialist

Agnieszka Janowska
Head of International Affairs Office

Ewa Dziełak
Project Coordinator International Affairs Office

Beata Biel
Head of the Department of Monitoring and Coordination of National Cancer Strategy

National Cancer Control Programme, Health Service Executive (NCCP, HSE)
National Cancer Control Programme, Health Service Executive (NCCP, HSE)
The NCCP works with partners in Ireland to prevent cancer, treat cancer, and increase survival and quality of life for those who develop cancer, by converting evidence and knowledge into strategies and actions.
Team Members

Risteárd Ó Laoide
National Director

Donal Brennan
National Clinical Lead for Cancer Research, National Cancer Control Programme and UCD Professor of Gynaecological Oncology, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital

Ruth Ryan
National Cancer Control Programme

Ciara Mellett
Project Coordinator

Ozlem McDonnell
National Cancer Control Programme (Project Coordinator)

National Institute of Oncology (NIO)
National Institute of Oncology (NIO)
The NIO is the only OECI accredited Comprehensive Cancer Center in Hungary and in the CEE region with 14 clinical and diagnostics, and 6 research departments, 347 beds and a staff of nearly 1,300 focusing on care, research and education. It is the coordinator of the Hungarian Oncology Network and manages the National Cancer Registry.
Team Members

Csaba Polgár

Péter Nagy

József Lövey
Team member

Edit Marosi
Team member

Réka Felhő
Team member

Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL)
Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL)
The main goal of the Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL), with the Netherlands Cancer Registry (NCR) as its core activity, is to reduce the impact of cancer, from the personal to the societal level.
Team Members

Vera Atema
Project coordinator

Akke Albada

Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS)
Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS)
NCS is one of the largest organisations in Norway, representing the voices of those affected by cancer. We work in the field of cancer prevention and care through cancer research funding, political advocacy, communication, and support services.
Team Members

Anne Cecilie Graver Bjelke
Head of Organisation

Astrid Bjerke
Strategic adviser

Ole Alexander Opdalshei
Assistant Secretary General

Simen Enger
Special adviser

Olomouc University Hospital (FNOL)
Olomouc University Hospital (FNOL)
Olomouc University Hospital is one of the largest in-patient hospitals in the Czech Republic. It belongs to a network of university hospitals directly controlled by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.
Olomouc University Hospital is a superior centre in terms of many fields of contemporary medicine. It is also very active in the areas of science research and the education of future health professionals.
Team Members

Bohuslav Melichar
Leading Researcher

Beatrice Mohelnikova
Team Member

Oslo Cancer Cluster (OCC)
Oslo Cancer Cluster (OCC)
Oslo Cancer Cluster is a national non-profit oncology Research & Industry cluster -dedicated to improving the lives of cancer patients by accelerating the development of new cancer diagnostics and treatments. Our portfolio comprises >90 members, covering the entire oncology value chain. Together with The Research Council of Norway and the Norwegian Cancer Society, OCC drives the Cancer Mission Hub Norway, a national initiative supporting the implementation of the EU Mission on Cancer in Norway.
Team Members

Marine Jeanmougin
EU and digital advisor

Ketil Widerberg
General Manager

Regionala cancercentrum i samverkan (RCC)
Regionala cancercentrum i samverkan (RCC)
The regional cancer centres (RCC) in Sweden support the nation’s 21 county councils in increasing the quality of cancer care and improving outcomes, as well as maximising the efficiency of the use of health care resources throughout the patient pathways. RCC has a supportive, stimulating and coordinating role to develop cancer care according to the intentions of the national cancer strategy and Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. The mission is to meet the challenges and demands of tomorrow’s cancer care through outreach and collaboration. RCC has developed systems and programmes to facilitate local, regional, and national collaboration.
Team Members

Johan Ahlgren
Associate professor, Head of Department, Regional Cancer Center MidSweden

Helena Brändström
Deputy national cancer coordinator

Riga East University Hospital (REUH)
Riga East University Hospital (REUH)
Riga East University Hospital (REUH) is the largest emergency multi-profile healthcare institution in Latvia and comprises from 5 clinical centres: Clinical Centre of Emergency Medicine „Gailezers”, Oncology Centre of Latvia, Clinical Centre „Bikernieki”, Latvian Centre of Infectious Diseases, and Centre of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases.
REUH fields of expertise are microsurgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, bedsore treatment, toxicology, and sepsis, polytrauma, burn and frost-bite treatment, stem cell transplantation, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS treatment, and stereotactic radiation therapy for oncology patients.
The oncology care in REUH is provided by all 5 clinical centres according to clinic specialization and cancer type. From all oncological conditions in Latvia approximately 85% of the solitary tumours and 98% of onco-haematology patients are treated at the REUH. REUH provides all types of the cancer treatment – cancer surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.
There are several specialized clinics in REUH – Oncological Surgery clinic (breast cancer, abdominal surgery, gynaecology, ENT oncology) clinic, Radiation Therapy clinic, Chemotherapy and Haematology clinic. Also, there is Haematology transplantation clinic in REUH, where analogue stem cell transplantations and allogeneic family donor transplantations are performed.
REUH has started an accreditation process for Cancer Centre to become in the nearest future accredited Cancer Centre and after aiming to become Comprehensive Cancer Centre. REUH is also actively establishing cooperation with partners from Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, and Hungary.
Team Members

Alinta Hegmane
Oncologist Chemotherapist

Andrejs Pcolkins
Head of Abdominal and Soft Tissue Surgery Department

Rimma Berzina
Project Manager

Sciensano is a research institute and the national public health institute of Belgium. It is the scientific reference in the field of public health in Belgium, experienced in supporting health policy and policymaking through innovative research, analyses, monitoring activities and expert advice. Over 850 of staff members are committed to human and animal health every day, with science and health central to our mission. Sciensano’s strength and uniqueness lie within the holistic and multidisciplinary approach to health, with a focus on the close and indissoluble interconnection between human and animal health and their environment (the “One health” concept). By combining different research perspectives within this framework, Sciensano contributes in its unique way to everybody’s health. For this, Sciensano builds on the more than 100 years of scientific expertise of the former Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Centre (CODA-CERVA) and the ex-Scientific Institute of Public Health (WIV-ISP).
Team Members

Marc Van Den Bulcke
Head of Cancer Centre

Marie Delnord
Senior Expert

Linda Abboud
Senior Expert

Jinane Ghattas
Junior Researcher

Souhade Tabbakalt
Project Manager

Mathieu Brabant
Financial Officer

St. Anne´s University Hospital Brno, International Clinical Research Center (FNUSA)
St. Anne´s University Hospital Brno, International Clinical Research Center (FNUSA)
The International Clinical Research Center at St. Anne’s University Hospital is a scientific research institution. We focus on preclinical and clinical research, particularly in the areas of cardiology, neurology, and oncology, with the aim of improving patient care.
Team Members

Giancarlo Forte
Principal Investigator

Sofia Morazzo Faes

Stiftelsen Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research (SIR), coordinator of the Vinnova-funded innovation milieus VISION ZERO CANCER and TESTBED SWEDEN PRECISION HEALTH CANCER
Stiftelsen Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research (SIR), coordinator of the Vinnova-funded innovation milieus VISION ZERO CANCER and TESTBED SWEDEN PRECISION HEALTH CANCER
Vision Zero Cancer (Nollvision Cancer) and its flagship initiative Testbed Sweden for Clinical Trials and the Implementation of Precision Health in Cancer is a mission-oriented innovation ecosystem financed by Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency and coordinated by SIR, Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research. Launched in November 2019, Vision Zero Cancer’s objective is to ‘provide a national contact point for system innovation that contributes to reduce the incidence of cancer and to transform cancer from a life-threatening into a treatable or chronic disease in Sweden and globally’.
Core partners: Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, Stockholm School of Economics, AstraZeneca, Elekta, Roche.
The Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research (SIR) is a Swedish national research institute with the overall aim to contribute to the advancement of the economic sciences through basic, as well as applied, research within a wider social science context. This research is carried out for the general benefit of the business community and society at large, and is to be conducted independent of political, religious, financial and other special interests.
Team Members

Ebba Hallersjö Hult
Task manager

Bettina Ryll

Johan Söderholm
Project financial/legal signatory

The Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG)
The Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG)
As the Austrian National Public Health Institute for Health Promotion, Quality, Planning and Research, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH contributes to improve the health of the Austrian population and evaluates, secures and optimises the Austrian Health and Care System.
Team Members

Claudia Habl
Lead / Head of International Affairs and Consultancy Department

Barbara Fröschl
Senior researcher

Daniela Rojatz

Wolfgang Seebacher

Anita Gottlob

The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
RCN is a national strategic and funding agency for research activities, and a chief source of advice on and input into research policy for the Norwegian government, the central government administration, and the overall research community.
Team Members

Sofia Anderholm Strand
Senior Adviser, NCP for Health and Missions

Margarethe Biong
Senior Adviser, NCP for Health

Türkiye Sağlik Enstitüleri Başkanliği (TÜSEB)
Türkiye Sağlik Enstitüleri Başkanliği (TÜSEB)
TÜSEB, the Health Institute of Türkiye, is a related entity of the Ministry of Health with a mission to lead R&D in the field of health science and technologies, and to support the practitioners and researchers scientifically, technically and financially, to increase domestication and nationalisation in a way that fulfil the needs of individuals in Turkey in line with developing technologies. As one of the institutes of TÜSEB, Türkiye Cancer Institute is the umbrella organization for the establishment of cancer mission hubs. Our main tasks are (i) to develop strategies to beat cancer and therefore supports national and international R&D activity, (ii) to fight against cancer by working in collaboration with national and international initiatives, academia, health sector and private sector in life sciences and medicine, (iii) to conduct and support research on the development of novel cancer therapeutics and efficient cancer detection methods, (iv) to create scientific support and establishment of coordination mechanisms for Clinical Research,(v) to lead creation and standardization of national cancer treatment guidelines. Türkiye Cancer Institute is the authorized institution to establish and coordinate the National Cancer Hubs to promote the implementation of EU Cancer Mission and European Beating Cancer Plan objectives in Türkiye.
Team Members

Burcu Yücel

Serkan Yaman
Team member

Tuba Özbay
Team member

Ceren Sümer
Team member

Gülhan Işık Ertop
Team member

İpek Bedir
Team member

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC)
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC)
The Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (, founded in 1921, includes five campuses (Milano, Brescia, Piacenza-Cremona, Roma). The School of Medicine in Rome is at present a world-class training ground for future leaders in medical research and practice, public health, and biomedical science.
Team Members

Stefania Boccia

Roberta Pastorino
Senior Researcher

Laura Motta
Grant Advisor

Tommaso Osti
Junior Researcher

Luigi Russo
Junior Researcher

Abdelrahman Taha
Junior Researcher

Xjenza Malta (Science Malta)
Xjenza Malta (Science Malta)
Xjenza Malta (Science Malta) established by means of Legal Notice 112 of 2024, is the Malta Government Agency acting as the national R&D and Space-funding agency, and the policy development and implementation body in the area of Research, Innovation and Space. Science Malta is entrusted with the updating of the national R&I and Space policy frameworks, overseeing and coordinating R&I and Space-strategy implementation through programming efforts, including the direct management of the national public budgetary allocation for Research, Innovation and Space. Science Malta manages and implements the FUSION portfolio, thus financing research endeavours across the entire technology-readiness spectrum, providing a multi-million portfolio primarily via grant-based support. Science Malta also hosts the National Contact Point (NCP) network for Horizon Europe, promoting and ensuring Malta’s overall successful participation in the EU Framework Programme for R&I and related support schemes, while also representing the Government of Malta within the comitology structure of Horizon Europe.
Team Members

Ian Gauci Borda
NCP HEALTH, Research Infrastructures and Widening