As Greece moves towards the implementation of a National Cancer Plan, the adoption of corresponding policies and funding strategies is necessary for the effective management of cancer, the promotion and strengthening of cancer research, and the improvement of healthcare services. At the same time, since 2021, the European Commission, by developing “The European Cancer Plan” and “EU Mission on Cancer” program, has focused on the need to better understand cancer and provide support for its proper management by member states.

The 1st Greek Forum on Cancer: Policy, Research & Funding Strategies, on the past 1st and 2nd of July aimed to tackle these points, by uniting representatives of the state, public health authorities, and research institutes from Greece and Europe, health economics experts, academic and scientific institutions, healthcare professionals, representatives from the healthcare industry and digital technologies, and patient organisations who engaged and shared their expertise and insights. Their contributions are pivotal in establishing the foundation for designing and implementing a robust National Cancer Plan.

The Minister of Health, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, outlined the agenda for developing a National Cancer Plan, stating that it will be finalised by the end of the year.

ECHoS was honoured to participate in this event and, in collaboration with Eθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης και Ηλεκτρονικού Περιεχομένου – National Documentation Centre (EKT) and Hellenic Cancer Federation (ELLOK), organised a dynamic roundtable dedicated to exploring “The role of National Hubs & NCPs in fostering EBCP & Cancer Mission.” The session featured a compelling presentation by Anabela Isidro and was moderated by Yasmin Fonseca. The insightful discussion was made possible by the participations of our esteemed partners Sofia Xesfingi, Marius Geanta, Ketil Widerberg, Laura Motta, and Anita Gottlob.

Also, innovative strides in oncology were explored on the roundtable “Forging sustainable alliances: A path to the Future”. Moderated by Laura Motta, from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, alongside Anabela Isidro, from ECHoS, Paolo Casali and Alexandros Pintzas, from JANE Joint Action, Tit Albreht and Anastasia Balasopoulou, from CraNE Joint Action, and Giovanni Apolone and Olga Balaoura, from CCI4EU initiative. As a highlight, a joint event and a position paper on the importance of continuously supporting these major structuring networks of the European cancer ecosystem, might be on the horizon. 

1st Greek Forum on Cancer: Policy, Research & Funding Strategies - Image
1st Greek Forum on Cancer: Policy, Research & Funding Strategies - Image
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