On February 4th, to celebrate World Cancer Day 2025, HaDEA organised a project showcase on ‘Fostering synergies to beat cancer: The impact of EU-funded projects’. The event created an important opportunity to “shed light into the projects and policies to beat cancer at the EU level”, as described by Charlotte Van Velthoven Geerdink, Master of Ceremony.

Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies (ECHoS) actively participated in the discussions, and celebrated World Cancer Day, amongst the various stakeholders, EU-funded projects on cancer, NGOs and health organisations working in the field of cancer, National Contact Points, National Focal Points and policymakers. The more than 700 participants gathered to discuss the impact of various grants and tenders managed by HaDEA in relation to Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the EU Mission on Cancer.

At the welcome address, Marina Zanchi (Director, European Health and Digital Executive Agency – HaDEA), highlighted the substantial contributions of the current projects in regard to the EU efforts to beat cancer and the importance of a united front, because “cancer is more than just a medical diagnosis, it’s a deeply personal matter, and behind every diagnosis lies a unique human story”. Sandra Gallina (Director-General, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety – SANTE) reinforced this highlight, and the need for continuity in these efforts, as investment in health can take several years to produce results.

World Cancer Day 2025: HaDEA PROJECT SHOWCASE ‘Fostering synergies to beat cancer: The impact of EU-funded projects’ - Image

A plenary discussion provided a “Reflection on crucial policies and actions to beat cancer”, moderated by Philippe Roux (Head of Unit, SANTE). Joanna Drake (Deputy Director-General: Planet, People and Science for Policy, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation – RTD) shared how a unique momentum and circumstances have made possible to deliver and sustain cancer research at the policy level. There was a strong political and public call to come together, a joint effort for an action anchored in policy. While further action is needed on several fronts, such as social responsibility, infrastructures, shared knowledge, and sustained collaboration and investment, all panellists agreed on the importance of united action and to leverage the existing resources and knowledge.

World Cancer Day 2025: HaDEA PROJECT SHOWCASE ‘Fostering synergies to beat cancer: The impact of EU-funded projects’ - Image

Anabela Isidro (ECHoS coordinator and Board member at the Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation) moderated the first session on “Tackling cancer through prevention, early detection and screening” with the participation of Urška Ivanuš (Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Slovenia – Joint Action PERCH – EU4Health), Argyro Rapanou (Netcompany-Intrasoft – EU Mobile App for Cancer Prevention – EU4Health), Wendy Yared (Association of European Cancer Leagues, Belgium – BUMPER – EU4Health), Igor Grabovac (MedUni Vienna, Austria – CO-CAPTAIN & CANCERLESS – Horizon) and Salvatore Vitabile (University of Palermo, Italy – 5G4ASSAC – Connecting Europe Facility Digital). This session focused on forthcoming innovative strategies to reduce cancer risk through prevention, scaling to the EU level, challenges in implementing equitable cancer prevention and screening, particularly in underrepresented regions or groups. From the overall discussion, it was clear that prevention, research and collaboration need to go hand in hand to contribute to reduce cancer risks and enhance early detection and screening initiatives.

World Cancer Day 2025: HaDEA PROJECT SHOWCASE ‘Fostering synergies to beat cancer: The impact of EU-funded projects’ - Image
World Cancer Day 2025: HaDEA PROJECT SHOWCASE ‘Fostering synergies to beat cancer: The impact of EU-funded projects’ - Image

Part of the event were two more panel discussions, the following discussion focused on “From diagnosis to treatment – best practices and new frontiers” moderated by Iwona Lugowska, ECHoS partner from the Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Institute and Oncology Centre (MSCI), Poland, and Vice-President of Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI), Belgium. This panel brought together another ECHoS partner Thomas Dubois (INCA France – Joint Action EUNetCCC (EU4Health)), as well as Vanja Miskovic (IRCCS – I3LUNG (Horizon Europe)), Fernanda Ramos Gomes (Max-Planck-Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Germany – FAIR CHARM (Horizon Europe)) and Luís Martí-Bonmatí (EUCAIM project (Digital Europe Programme)). The panel agrees that collaboration is key, among different networks, projects and healthcare systems: the projects drive innovation, but synergies are central to maximise impact and efficiency.

The last discussion focused on “Reducing inequalities and improving quality of life of cancer patients and survivors” moderated by Marc Van den Bulcke, also an ECHoS partner from Sciensano, Belgium. Carina Schneider (CCI-E Vienna, Austria – EU-CAYAS-NET (EU4Health)), Sophie Buckingham (Ecorys, Belgium – Job Retention and Return to Work for Cancer Patients and Survivors (EU4Health)), Lieve Van den Block (VUB, Belgium – EU NAVIGATE (Horizon)), and Anne May (UMC, the Netherlands – PREFERABLE I, PREFERABLE II (Horizon)) highlighted the importance of a community and multidisciplinarity, while keeping in mind the existing tools and networks for a greater impact.

World Cancer Day 2025: HaDEA PROJECT SHOWCASE ‘Fostering synergies to beat cancer: The impact of EU-funded projects’ - Image
World Cancer Day 2025: HaDEA PROJECT SHOWCASE ‘Fostering synergies to beat cancer: The impact of EU-funded projects’ - Image

The overall discussions showed that there is still a need to go further than science: what is achieved in research needs to be translated into concrete benefits for the patients, and practical implementations. Besides translation, other key concepts and particular aspects were discussed, such as the importance of data protection, registries, and the European action plan on the cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers. Multidisciplinarity, collaboration, cocreation and codesign, besides strategic communication, are key for impactful actions and awareness creation, from younger generations to older population. Comprehensive approaches for diagnosis and treatment should include the infrastructures, digital innovation and quality data across the border. Also highlighted was the need for “going from hope to action”, to improve quality of life, navigate people to get better and faster support and treatment, and to have real social impact.

Watch here the full event, including the powerful testimonials by Erika Pataki (National Koranyi Institute of Pulmonology, SOLACE project), Erik Briers (Europa Uomo, PRAISE-U project), Ineke Helmer (PREFERABLE project), and Erik Sturesson (Youth Cancer EuropeEU Network of Youth Cancer Survivors).

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