EU’s Cancer Mission Bus Roadshow visited 15 locations across Lithuania, Poland and Romania in 2024
31st January 2025
The ECHoS project congrats the amazing initiative EU’s Cancer Mission Bus Roadshow!
As part of the European Union’s commitment to improving cancer prevention and early detection, over the summer of 2024, the Bus Roadshow visited 15 stops across Lithuania, Poland and Romania, attracting 16 800 visitors. Its aim was to help increase knowledge of cancer and cancer prevention, as well as screening, particularly in more remote rural areas.
To explain this initiative, Marius Geantă (President of the Center for Innovation in Medicine – InoMed), Joanna Drake (Head of the EU Cancer Mission) and Anabela Isidro (Coordinator of ECHoS) were interviewed for an article in “Horizon” the EU Research and Innovation Magazine.
“The need to improve communication and coordination on cancer, both within and between different countries, is something that I am keenly aware of”, said Isidro.
On behalf of ECHoS, the coordinator also reinforced the importance of involving communities and bringing together all stakeholders to help break down the existing silos and create real life impact in cancer care and research!
For more details read the full article here: EU Health Experts Take to the Road to Boost Cancer Screening and Prevention.
“Horizon” – The EU Research and Innovation Magazine, is free and published on behalf of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation.