Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies

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ECHoS Project

ECHoS is an European project, funded by Horizon Europe Programme, that aims to support the implementation of the Cancer Mission activities in all Member State and Associated Country (MS/AC) through the establishment and development of National Cancer Mission Hubs (NCMHs) operating at national, regional, and local levels. By establishing NCMHs in each MS/AC, European citizens and organisations in health, research, and beyond, will be voiced and their voices will echo together.









ECHoS at a glance

Our ambition is to further support the Cancer Mission by providing MS/AC with the capacity to gradually create NCMHs, operating at national, regional, and local levels, that will have a key role involving all relevant stakeholders, in cancer-related policy dialogues.

icon Promote

the creation of National Cancer Mission Hubs in MS/AC, and establish a network of support to advance Cancer Mission across Europe.

icon Create

synergies for the implementation of the Cancer Mission with other European initiatives towards a "Cancer in All" approach.

icon Develop

the foundations for a European network of NCMHs by developing a business continuity and operations model framework.


ECHoS Structure

All partners have key roles in their respective countries.  Together, we form a strong pool of knowledge and expertise to reach General and Specific project objectives via six ECHoS Work Packages.

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Getting Involved

Getting Involved

Getting Involved

Getting Involved

Getting Involved

Getting Involved

Getting Involved

Getting Involved

Getting Involved

Getting Involved

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