EU Cancer Mission: Vision and funding opportunities

Part of the ECHoS Project, “Cancer Mission Impact: A Practitioners’ Series. Learn. Test. Come-back” webinar features Annika Nowak from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, and is moderated by Dr. Marius Geanta. It provides a comprehensive presentation on the EU Cancer Mission, exploring its vision, operational framework, and funding strategies.

Annika Nowak discusses the ambitious goals of the Cancer Mission: The Cancer Mission aims to improve the lives of more than 3 million people through prevention and support for those affected by cancer. It’s an ambitious goal, but one that we believe is achievable through concerted effort and collaboration.”

“Funding follows very much what we have outlined in the Implementation Plan. We still consider it as an operation on the basis of our activities on funding, be it in areas of citizens’ engagement, communication, or interaction dialogue with Member States and stakeholders.” Annika explains.

“One of the main characteristics of our missions, particularly the Cancer Mission, is the joint governance approach. This involves continuous dialogue with Member States and stakeholders, which is essential for effective implementation,” says Annika.

“While it’s still early, we do see some positive signs. We’ve launched hundreds of projects within the first three work programs, which is impressive” Annika notes. “We have seen significant mobilization at the national level. Some Member States have used the Recovery Fund to invest in cancer infrastructure, which is a positive development.”

“Engaging citizens and stakeholders is not just a goal but a necessity for the success of the Cancer Mission” Annika emphasizes. She highlights the “Cancer Mission Bus Roadshow” pilot initiative in Lithuania, Romania, and Poland as an example of successful engagement.

“Building synergies is essential. We aim to align funding strategies and ensure complementary actions to maximize impact. The National Cancer Mission Hubs play a crucial role in this regard,” Annika explains. She also discusses integrating various funding sources to support the mission.

The webinar provides a detailed overview of the EU Cancer Mission, emphasizing its ambitious vision, strategic funding, complex governance, and the importance of stakeholder and citizen engagement. It highlights early signs of progress and ongoing efforts to build synergies and collaboration across Europe.

Watch to learn about the future of cancer research and innovation in Europe!

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National Cancer Mission Hubs and Community Engagement Beyond Patient Advocacy Groups